5 healing Postpartum Recipes to Balance Your Body

add these 5 healing foods

to your postpartum meal prep


I love folding in healing ingredients into the meals I create for my postpartum mommas. Often times you can get overwhelmed looking at cookbooks that include ingredients that might be unavailable at your grocery stores. These simple recipes have been some of my favorite to make and the ingredients are easy to find.

Let’s chat more about Ayurvedic healing ingredients ⬇️

🌱healing foods focus on:

🌼a more holistic approach tailored to the unique individual

🌼whole nutrient dense foods

🌼fresh & seasonal

🌼herbs + spices provide micronutrients

🌼lifestyle + foods both benefit each other

🌱Some healing foods in my recipe book to try:

🌼Breakfast Kitchari

🌼Momma Oats Chia Congee

🌼Sunshine Latte

🌼Kabocha Lentil Stew

….and so many more! Have you downloaded a copy of my newest ebook? The Postpartum Recipe Book: Heal, Nourish, Cocoon is now available with over 30 nourishing recipes for your postpartum + meal prep guides!

Looking for the recipes to these recipes above? Check out this amazing blog post I found from MAED.CO


How To Make My Healing Belly Paste


Postpartum Fennel Chocolate recipe